Headline Aggregator of News Fark

fark.com is a headline aggregator of news stories from all over the world. Of course, we use "news" loosely here. Sometimes it's breaking stories. Sometimes it's in-depth investigative reporting. Usually, it's weird-ass stuff done by dumbass people.

How it works:

Farkers submit their own headlines for the stuff they come across on the interwebs: Dumb politicians, shark attacks, water on Mars, Skynet taking over, Florida -- it's wide open.

Call it a social network of news. Call it crowd-sourced story gathering. Call it citizen journalism, minus the journalism. Whatever it is, submit funny headlines to us.

Fark receives over 2,000 submissions a day. So we've trained helper monkeys to choose the funniest, strangest, bestest headlines for the reading pleasure of us humans.

At which point, members of homo sapiens can talk about selected stories to their hearts content. Or until Hitler gets mentioned.

Or until Skynet takes over.

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